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toms * 29 May 2019 17:56:04 * Modified at 17:56:22

« BYTE "PIOU!"+128 »
« BYTE "GLOIRE !" OR &80 »

In some cases, it could be convenient to apply the operator to each bytes. Possible?

m_dr_m * 29 May 2019 19:40:47

Not yet! I'm not sure which syntax to choose.

toms * 29 May 2019 21:07:31

In my opinion, the most obvious choice would be BYTE ("PIOU!")+128. Another possibility could be that BYTE "PIOU!"+128 adds 128 to each byte, and BYTE "PIOU","!"+128 only to the last one.

But you maybe have better syntax in mind :)

m_dr_m * 30 May 2019 05:44:04

I like the second option, but I'd rather introduce some more powerful mechanisms.

1/ Function.
If invoked on a string, applied on each byte separately.

FUN translate x
   If x >= &20
    return x - &1f
   elif x = 0
    return 0 
      !! error unexpected value < &20

  BYTE translate("PIOU!") 

2/ Post-Processing.

Ability to invoke a RSX (or a 'plugin'?) to process all or part of the code.
Needed anyway for automatic compression.

m_dr_m * 30 May 2019 09:53:20

RC4 available.

That should be it. Official version next week should be identical but including updated doc on disk.

For the next features I need to change some of the infrastructure. So don't expect anything new for some time. Thanks all.

m_dr_m * 19 Jun 2019 10:01:34

RC5 is the real deal.

Todo before official release:
* Waiting for Hicks confirmation.
* Improving user guides online (I won't do that).
* Converting online guides to CPC files.

m_dr_m * 01 Jul 2019 10:19:14

It's ready.

Basically, or assemblerally, that's the exact RC5 version + guides on the disquette.

Hardcore users may wait a few days for Erratic Endeavour Beta 1.

m_dr_m * 03 Jul 2019 21:19:38

Hardcore users may want to check Erratic Endeavour Beta 2.

I have to pause. So, as Wilhelm Reich used to say in Shanghai, « Be the change you wanna see in Orgams. »

In the other hand, don't forget to vote for your favorite features-to-be.

m_dr_m * 09 Jul 2019 18:51:32

To whom it may concern, I've split the 'mon' source into four:

* monhelp: helpers routines (e.g. trans-ROM calls)
* monui: display-related routines.
* mon: monogams command themselves.
* trui: Trace UI.

It's never been easier to participate and add your own stuff.

m_dr_m * 14 Jul 2019 14:03:51

New editor shortcut: CONTROL-%. Pretty handy if you ask me.

m_dr_m * 18 Jul 2019 14:43:28

Ast has detected a bug (#E8, cannot BRK/ disassemble anymore) on EE beta (2 and 4).
Has everyone else tried this beta? Do you encounter this bug?

m_dr_m * 06 Aug 2019 00:20:42

Due to bug #E8 and #EB, I do not recommend using EE beta 4.
The whole team is working diligently to propose a stable beta.

m_dr_m * 23 Sep 2019 00:11:11

Here it is!

More fake news soon.

m_dr_m * 23 Sep 2019 21:49:15

Thanks to Sid, IMPORT is on its way.

Read the grand design here.
Simple users can give their thought on the planed label behavior:

import “player”  ; look for player.o 
import “3d” as _3d

play [...]    ; local routine 

  call init  ; // assemblage error: init exists in both imports 
  call player.init ; ok
  call _3d.init    ; ok
  call play ; use local routine
  call get_psg   ; ok, found uniquely in player

This is the opportunity to remind that everyone can contribute. If the perspective of update someone else's uncharted code holds you, do not worry. I can describe some small routines to write, in a brand new source, just using the interface of existing routines (like the firmware jumblock).

m_dr_m * 23 Sep 2019 22:37:11

Poll! Multi-files edition, which shortcut to navigate between sources?

* Control-tab.
* Pro: same as in most browsers.
* Control-shift-left/right.
* Pro: coherent with "control-shift" combination to indicate multi-files command (e.g. control-shift-f: search in all files).
* Control-g + fuzzy search.
* Other?

m_dr_m * 26 Sep 2019 20:09:07

Incoming: no more vertical alignement for operands.

; Before
   ld   a,3 
   inc  b:inc  c:inc  d:inc  e
   inc  a:ld   l,a:ld   h,2

; After
   ld a,3
   inc b:inc c:inc d:inc e
   inc a:ld l,a:ld h,2 

* Doesn't necessarily make sense.
* Slightly speeds up textual search.
* Makes more room, especially for trace in prevision of stack trace display.

m_dr_m * 26 Sep 2019 22:26:57

Incoming? Extension du domaine des shortcuts.

CTRL-O in monogams: open file
CTRL-B in editor: return to basic

m_dr_m * 10 Nov 2019 20:21:31 * Modified at 20:22:14

New feature: display call stack.

For the code:

   call aa
aa call bb
bb BRK

You will see:


(and maybe some « ? »)

Mainly useful for tools and complex programs.

m_dr_m * 16 Nov 2019 19:20:57

Incoming [trace]:

* U: Go up in the call stack (go to caller)
* D: Go down in the call stack (go to callee)

m_dr_m * 17 Nov 2019 14:36:07

Incoming [editor]:

* "Faded comments" always on. Should give back some speed.
* CONTROL ENTER available from comments.

m_dr_m * 19 Dec 2019 14:45:33


As always, changes from previous Release and from previous beta are detailed, so you can see if it's worth the update for you.

* Work on bug #C0
* Smoother transitions.
* Pimped status bar.

m_dr_m * 27 Dec 2019 13:47:57

None of that is done, yet there is a new beta! Joy to the world.

m_dr_m * 29 Mar 2020 00:34:36

« * Work on bug #C0. Much better.
* Smoother transitions. Yep.
* Pimped status bar. Done. »


  load "balancer" ; Insert raw bytes at current pos ($$)


Hicks * 29 Mar 2020 09:37:05

Nice. Will there be a flag to say: load it each time / load it only the first time?
When you are working on final version of effect/demo, you must often destroy you datas, so it will be useful to load it each time.
But on the classical dev time, it's more convenient to load it only one time.

m_dr_m * 29 Mar 2020 23:51:51

By default it will be cached in additional banks. A brother of yours made a similar observation.

I plan to use CTRL-0 to force reloading.

A flag is a good idea. I'll let you add this.

With incoming OvL! tools, you'll be able to share data without having to go through files.

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