Memory Full

About Memory Full

Memory Full is a website dedicated to collecting and organizing the history of the CPC demoscene from its very beginnings until today. Currently, we recorded 736 sceners, 227 events and 112 groups. Sometimes, we also interview some sceners.

At first, Memory Full was a private database created for helping Hicks during the writing of his books related to the history of the Amstrad CPC demoscene. toms transformed it into a real public website, and Beb designed the whole thing. The first volume of this book is now out, and the second volume is still in progress.

You will not read the latest news of the CPC scene on Memory Full because it's not our aim. It's not either a demo archive, because our friends from CPC Power already do it perfectly.

History, an important matter?

The aging CPC sceners won't be eternal, they lose their disks, fanzine collections and finally memory. In ten years, it could be too late to save all these treasures (souvenirs, photos, etc.). Fortunately, an archiving job already started many years ago (thank you guys!).

Knowing history on any subject is always instructive for its pratice. It's a lesson of modesty: we are kind of "dwarfs upon the shoulders of giants", and such a website is also a tribute to the current and past sceners. Furthermore, we must think of the dwarfs of tomorrow!

Also, CPC scene history can't be reduced to a few famous names that everybody already know, and we must emphasize to the contribution of each at each level (including swapping, party organization, club administration, etc.).


Buildind this website was a huge work, and it would not have been possible without the help of toms who has been programming the whole thing and helped me to fill the database, and Beb who made it pleasant to watch'n'use. Special thanks are flying to the party pictures authors, especially Odiesoft and Octoate who kindly accepted to share theirs, and to Tom et Jerry/GPA for having given us many party invitation scans (and much much more). Finally, we acclaim the work achieved by the CPC-Power team from where we got many demos, and OffseT for his very accurate emulator ACE.


Memory Full will benefit from the involvement of every scener. If you notice a missing information, want to correct a mistake, give us some party pictures or simply react to this project, you can contact us (Hicks and toms) here:

admin (at) memoryfull (dot) net