Alchimie 13
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Alchimie 13 will be the next event able to gather a lot of CPC users & developpers.
The official website is
here. Our dear AST speak of it
We can probably add to the list... Beb? Barjack? Madram? And me!
I am very interested in coming, I've never been there.
In french:
- Vous dormez où en général ? Comme des pouilleux sous les tables ou comme des bourgeois dans un hotel ?
- Y'a de la place si j'arrive en retard (genre le vendredi après-midi) ?
-1 y'a une pièce dédié ou l'on peut dormir, ou solution 2, comme des pouilleux
-2 Oui y'a d'la place en général
Hey Kris, si tu passes par ici, comment tu comptes t'y rendre ? Si quelqu'un sait... :).
Y'a deux membres de Triple A qui habite en Bretagne. Je sais pas s'ils covoiturent...
Je ne sais pas comment il vient mais il devrait débarquer la veille (réunion au sommet chez impact à la maison)
Well, it's official. I'll be at the Alchimie 2019, all three days!
Well, it's official. I won't be at the Alchimie 2019!
Moi aussi non participeraux. But the maps are so state-of-the-art, that I got really curious ...
May be I forget someone? Currently 25 "CPC" peoples goes to the event!
- roudoudou
- Golem13
- AsT
- Drill
- Kris
- Sid
- Khomenor
- Hayabusa
- MacDeath
- Xtrabet
- OffseT
- Overflow
- TotO
- Hicks
- beb
- Targhan
- Tarkir
- norecess
- CeD
- OneVision
- Gotcha
- PulkoMandy
Oh yeah!
Some productions will be released or just showed during this event:
- ImpDraw v2 by AST
- Slap Fight preview by Toto (2 playable levels)
- a mysterious game by NoRecess & CeD
- probably Ghost'n'Goblin remake by Golem13 ?
- the next Futurs' demo by Offset.
- and ... ?
Be careful, there is a trap.
Anyone interested in packaged games I have, among:
- Athanor 2
- DoomsDay Lost Echoes (excellent adventure game, in english).
- Color lines
- Golden Tail
- Sudoku Master
For free. I only bring what people want.
If one can come with additional CTM644 screens, I can bring additional CPC keyboards, and then install a VN96 to enjoy so many CPC with LAP or Shoulder Dash. :)
@Hicks: You meant "the next Futurs' demoS by Offset" I guess.
Pour les nouveaux venus : pensez à emmener des rallonges multiprises si c’est possible.
@Targhan : j’ai préparé ton écran monochrome ce matin.
À vendredi !
thx for all who came.
I guess someone will update this site's page on the event now that photos and visitor list are available. Not a lot of prods released, but really a lot of people.
I updated the dedicated Alchimie 2019 page with the visitors list and the graphics competition. As I wasn't there, maybe there are some mistakes.
If you want your photos to be added, please send them to us.
Hicks currently writes a report which will be published in a few days. Stay tuned!
iXien was to the event on Friday. ;)
@TotO: thanks for the info!
Demoniak sent us some photos of the event. Thanks to him!
I don't have any video/photo, sorry. But it was awesome!
Anecdote: Offset forgot one of his suitcase, as Pulko luckily noticed. I tried to phone Zik as I had his number, for him to contact Offset which had, of course, his phone off.
Fortunately, one scener lives at Antibes and took the case and I hope Offset retrieved it. End of the anecdote :).
@Targhan: Did you try to contact them via 3615 ifrance*futurs? Maybe it still works!
The Impact photoshoot section continues to share their pictures. Thanks to AsT!
Le compte-rendu de l'Alchimie, c'est par
Nice report, thanks to Hicks for this!!
Et nooon, tu ne m'as pas embêté. Depuis le temps, j'ai appris à t'ignorer !
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